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By Nikola Rajacic
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This code snippet creates a 3D scene using Three.js with the following functionalities:
1. It creates a Three.js scene, camera, and renderer.
2. It sets up the renderer to be antialiased and sizes it to match the window dimensions.
3. It creates a box geometry with dimensions 1x1x1.
4. It defines four different colored materials using THREE.Color and THREE.MeshBasicMaterial.
5. It generates 30 shapes (cubes) with random positions, scales, and rotation speeds, and assigns one of the four materials to each shape based on the index.
6. It sets the initial camera position.
7. It defines an animate function that updates the rotation of each shape and renders the scene.
8. It adds a mousemove event listener that updates the position of the shapes based on the mouse coordinates.
9. It adds a scroll event listener that changes the color of the shapes to random colors when the user scrolls.
10. It starts the animation loop by calling the animate function.
Overall, this code creates a dynamic 3D scene with interactive elements where shapes rotate, change position based on mouse movement, and change color on scroll using Three.js.